Year End Feast Chez Keith and Margot Clarke

Geography Professor Keith Clarke and his gracious wife Margot once again hosted a potluck dinner as an end of year holiday celebration for the Geography Department at their charming and spacious Westside home on Friday, December 5, 2014. The feast got underway at 6:00 pm and ended (presumably) when Margot kicked the last of the guests out.

The tradition of faculty hosting year-end dinner parties goes back to the 1990s when the Clarke family opened the doors of their (then) Goleta home to Geography personnel on several occasions. As usual, the unanimous description of this year’s dinner party was “great!” And the cake that Keith and Margot custom-ordered from a Mesa bakery took the cake!

As with our departmental barbecues, these occasions serve to bring the Department together by providing a sort of social glue for our multidisciplinary and multi-cultural personnel. As they say, “A family that plays together stays together.” Of course, they also say that “Families are like fudge – mostly sweet, with a few nuts mixed in.” And they also say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so check out several of them on our Event Photo page.

Editor’s note: Many thanks to Geography graduate student Jeong Hyun Kim for taking all the terrific photographs.

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Image 2 for article titled "Year End Feast Chez Keith and Margot Clarke"

Image 3 for article titled "Year End Feast Chez Keith and Margot Clarke"

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