Course Assistance

If a student is experiencing difficulty with a course, help is available. In addition to aid from the specific professor or teaching assistant, UCSB offers diverse assistance through several organizations.

Campus Learning Assistance Service 893-3269
CLAS helps students increase their mastery of course material through course-specific tutoring and academic skills development. Check out our tutorial groups and drop-in tutoring schedules posted on our web site. Sign up for services at our main office, 3210 Student Resource Building, 9-5 daily.

Counseling and Psychological Services 893-4411
CAPS offers counseling for personal and career concerns, self-help information and connections to off-campus mental health resources.

Disabled Students Program 893-2668
DSP provides academic support services to eligible students with temporary and permanent disabilities. Please inform your instructor if you require special classroom accommodations due to a disability. You must register with DSP prior to receiving these accommodations.