Welcome To Our New Grads!

The UCSB Department of Geography is proud to announce the induction of 19 new graduate students into its program. These gifted students are the academic cream of the crop of applicants for 2009, and we are both honored and privileged to have them join our Department.

The Grad Student bulletin board in the Department’s main office area will be updated with photos and details of our new grad’s goals and prior academic backgrounds this week. But, for those of you without access to the hallowed corridors of our Department, here are a few stats regarding our “newbies”:

  • We have 19 new grads this fall, 8 of whom are in the SDSU/UCSB Joint Doctoral Program
  • Twelve of the 19 have a master’s degree in Geography or a related discipline, and one has a PhD in Business Administration 
  • Nine of the 19 are women
  • Countries represented, apart from the US, include Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, India, Italy, South Korea, and Peru

This is the next generation of scientists, thinkers, and teachers that will impact your children and their children regarding the study of Earth in relation to mankind. I need not remind you how important such studies are in our troubled times, but I would like to urge you to help. Yep, I’m talking about donating money to the Department of Geography at UCSB.

I’m not begging (well, maybe a bit). I am asking you to consider investing in our immediate future and the future of those who will inherit what we have left behind. That future depends upon the youth of today, and they deserve, indeed, are owed, our support. The new class of UCSB Geography 2009 graduate students can make a difference to the world’s quality of life—and you can help them do it by giving to a good cause. It’s called a win-win situation:

  • You can help yourself by obtaining a tax write-off if you need it,
  •  You can help some very bright kids pursue studies that will impact the future,
  •  You can help our Department maintain its commitment to excellence, and, just maybe,
  •  You also can make a difference to the future of mankind.

Don’t just think about it, click here!

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