Dr. Leila M. Véspoli de Carvalho has joined the UCSB Department of Geography as an Assistant Professor specializing in Climate Science. Dr. Carvalho received her PhD in Meteorology from the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, USP 1998 – present, as well as an Assistant Researcher at the Institute for Computational Earth System Science at UCSB, 2001 – present. Leila’s research interests include regional and large-scale climate variability and modeling, global climate change, Antarctic climate, tropical climate, monsoon systems, and scaling processes in geophysics. She will begin teaching Geography 201 (Seminar in Geography) in the 2009 Spring Quarter.
Leila joined the Department of Geography at UCSB, because she was “motivated by its multidisciplinary scope and exciting opportunities to bridge climate, environmental, and social sciences.” She also adds to the department’s international flavor: Reg Golledge is from Australia; Martin Raubal from Austria; Hugo Loaiciga from Costa Rica; Keith Clarke, Mike Goodchild, and Terry Smith from England; Catherine Gautier from France; Helen Couclelis, Kostas Goulias, and Phaedon Kyriakidis from Greece; Waldo Tobler from Switzerland; and Bodo Bookhagen from Germany. More importantly, Leila adds to the department’s international reputation, and we welcome her aboard!