UCSB has selected United Way of Santa Barbara County as its choice for community charitable investments. Through payroll deduction, you can give just a few dollars out of each paycheck, and, over a year’s time, it will add up and have a significant impact on the lives of those that need it most. A small contribution can do so much for our community.
Who knows? Someone at UCSB who gives through United Way could end up using the services that we help to fund. United Way is not just for those individuals that are “at risk” or poverty level. It is for all of us: many donors have found themselves recipients of services such as job training, child care scholarships, counseling, and many other services.
All of the donations made by UCSB stay in Santa Barbara County unless they are designated outside of the area. A significant amount of the contributions stay in the UCSB community through the Isla Vista connection that supports the UCSB Child Care Center, and Isla Vista Youth Projects. For news and information about United Way and on how to donate, see http://www.unitedwaysb.org/ and .
Here’s what $2 per pay period can provide:
- 30 calls on a suicide prevention hotline
- A homeless family with 2 nights of housing and meals
- 30 nutritious meals for seniors
Here’s what $5 per pay period can provide:
- 100 pounds of food to low income men, women and children
- A year of drug and alcohol counseling for 10 teens and their families
- 75 nutritious meals for seniors
Here’s what $10 per pay period can provide:
- A disabled elderly person with 10 hours of in-home care
- One month of after-school daycare for 3 children
- A low-income toddler one week in a safe and licensed childcare facility