One might think a farewell celebration on a Thursday for Keith Clarke would render an end of the year BBQ the next day superfluous. How little one knows our Department! Never people to miss a good party, the Geography Department had another fun-filled day at Goleta Beach on Friday, June 9th. Though there were some glitches with the beer, the natives never got restless—especially since Dan Montello, once again, wowed everybody with his culinary mastery of the grill. Everyone else chipped in with many other delicious dishes to accompany Dan’s tasty tri-tip. A good time was had by all as there was plenty to eat and drink, not to mention the great company. After all, who’s more interesting than a geographer? Afterwards, the seagulls tried to help with the cleanup, but the cleanup crew politely declined their offers. Like all our BBQs, there was left over everything, including beer. Rumor has it that there was a valiant effort to finish the second keg after the BBQ, but, alas, though the harvest was indeed plentiful, the laborers were few.
Great thanks go to the Entertainment Committee for putting this together, not to mention all the donations from everyone in the Department, some quite generous indeed! A special thanks goes to Dan for his handiwork on the grill, and to the ladies in the office for organizing the potluck (not to mention cooking up some wonderful dishes themselves!). Also, Tony Marca did a lot of work going to the store and moving lots of supplies to the actual site. Cheers everybody! Only three and a half months until the next one! Click here for lots of great pictures!
Article contributed by graduate student Jeff Onsted; pictures by Bill Norrington, Maral Tashjian, and Richard Weinberg.