Cordillera Real Glacial RetreatAnnie Ferguson, Kevin Bibby, Nancy Yu, Warren Kunkler
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Glacial Retreat in the Lake District of Chile and ArgentinaCollin McGrath, Austin Grove, Ryan Fallgatter, Blake Williams
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Emergency Call Box Network For Isla VistaColin Critchfield, Nareg Gourdikian, Mladen Popovic, Matt Plummer
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Public Transportation Analysis Santa-Barbara CAAnnie Ferguson, Collin McGrath, Kevin Bibby, Magadalena Nyberg
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Astronomy Learning in Digital Virtual Environments—Preliminary Studyatila van der Veen, UCSB Physics Department and U.S. Planck Team
Jessica Cornick & Jim Blascovich, UCSB Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Luke Spooner, UCSB Physics Department, Undergraduate Research Assistant
Predictive G.I.S. Modeling of Chumash Settlement Sites on Santa Cruz IslandKyle Brook, Justin Luong, Marina Bozinovic, Kyle Wong
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Evaluating the Ecological Health of Channel Island Marine Habitats Using Kelp and Urchin Density Ratios as an IndicatorScott Yehl, Alana Osaki, Andre Arellano, Billy Britt
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Glacial Retreat in the Eastern Cordillera (1986 ?2007)Alexandra Motyka, Raul Garcia, Raul Llamas
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Hospital Location Analysis in Los Angeles CountyBenjamin Rosman, Raul Llamas, Raul Garcia, Alexandra Motyka
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Coastal Wetland Loss Analysis of Southern CaliforniaJavier Anguiano, Javier Rubio, Tom Tran, Daniel Villicana
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Famine Early Warning System Network: CHIRPS Accuracy Assessment
Brittany Gale, David Liu, Trevor Merback
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Everyone Goes Home
Luke Fetten, Guy Smith, Warren Kunkler, Nancy Yu
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Proposed Expansion of Recycled Water Infrastructure
Within the Greater Santa Barbara Area in Response to Severe Drought ConditionsDavid Betran, Michael Ackel, Austin Grove
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Analysis of Water Use During Droughts in California
Thira Khor, Travel Martinus, Elizabeth McBride, Emily Owen
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Spatial Transformations As A Function Of Spatial Ability & Expertise
Margaret R. Tarampi1 & Sarah H. Creem-Regehr2
1SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind, University of California, Santa Barbara; 2Department of Psychology, University of Utah
Solar By Numbers: Combining Site-Suitability and Cost Analysis for PV Installation at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Eric Ahlgren, Aaron Bucka, Will Holland
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara