Souvenir Copies of UCSB Geography History Posters Available for Purchase

Those currently in the Department have no doubt seen the six-foot wide, three-foot tall poster which chronicles the history of Geography at the University of California Santa Barbara. It is posted in the display case on the third floor of Ellison Hall, NW wing. The poster was created to be displayed in the “Hall of History” at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) 100th anniversary convention this month. After its sojourn to Philadelphia, the poster will return to the display case in Ellison Hall, since we celebrate our 30th anniversary this year.

We’ve printed several one-foot by two-foot “souvenir size” versions of the poster, which are available for purchase. If there is enough interest, we can print more. (The printer’s requirement is 12 at a time, minimum.) Cost is $50, plus $5 for postage, should you need it mailed. Please make checks out to “UCSB Department of Geography,” and note in the check memo line (or somewhere clearly on the check) “For Geog History 12X24 poster.”

Along with the mailing address, b e sure to send your email address and phone number, so we can let you know if you will receive a poster now, or if you are being put on a wait list for a future run of posters. We expect interest in the posters will be generated at the AAG meeting this month, during our 30th anniversary celebration May 28 and 29, 2004, and perhaps even at graduation time mid-June. So it is possible that we’ll order additional printings at the end of March, beginning of June, and maybe even latter June.

Image 1 for article titled "Souvenir Copies of UCSB Geography History Posters Available for Purchase"

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