Mike Marshall Receives Switzer Fellowship

Grad student Michael Marshall has been invited to become a Switzer Fellow. According to its web site (http://www.switzernetwork.org/), “Switzer Fellows are highly talented professionals who have the ability, determination and integrity to effect positive change as environmental leaders in the 21st century. Only the most active, committed and focused individuals will compete successfully to join the network of over 430 Fellows selected since 1986.” The fellowship provides a one-year $15,000 cash award for graduate study and is available only to students enrolled at accredited graduate institutions in California or the six New England states (CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, and ME). Only 25 of the prestigious fellowships are granted each year.

Robert C. Switzer and his brother Joe were the co-inventors of the first fluorescent paint and established the Day-Glo® Color Corporation. When the company was sold in 1985, the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation was established “to nurture environmental leaders who have the ability and determination to make a significant impact” by awarding them academic fellowships and project grants.

Mike will use his fellowship to pursue research in improving seasonal rainfall forecasts for sub-Saharan Africa. He is currently using remote sensing and climate reanalysis data to model actual evapotranspiration (AET). AET has been shown to be an important regional driver of rainfall in central Africa and the Sahel. He expects that the inclusion of AET with important global drivers (e.g., El Nino) will enhance seasonal rainfall forecasts and mitigation for the most food insecure countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

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