Graduate student Mike Marshall of Geography’s Climate Hazards Group (FEWSNET) has been selected to participate in the 2009 American Meteorological Society’s Summer Policy Colloquium, May 31-June 9, 2009, in Washington, DC. According to its web site, “AMS Summer Policy Colloquium brings a select group to Washington, D.C. for an intense, ten-day immersion in atmospheric policy. The Colloquium provides an overview of policy basics, and how decisions are made governing the course and future of atmospheric science; provides opportunities for participants to meet and dialog with the federal officials, Congressional staffers, and others who make those decisions; surveys current atmospheric policy issues; uses the case study method to explore a limited number of issues, both past and present, in depth and detail; helps participants build skills, experience, and contacts they can use throughout their careers to understand and influence the atmospheric policy process; and helps participants gauge their aptitude for and interest in the challenges of matching atmospheric science to national priorities, and scientific program leadership.”
Dr. William Hooke, Senior Policy Fellow and Director of the AMS Policy Program, notified Mike regarding his selection and stated, “You are to be congratulated on the achievements, demonstrated potential, and personal qualities that have earned you this recognition.” Enrollment in the colloquium us limited to 50 participants, including mid-level managers and scientists, mid-level private-sector executives, university faculty, and “selected graduate students of demonstrated scientific and leadership potential.” Mike’s selection is even more impressive, given the fact that he is one of just ten students given full financial support to attend the colloquium, on the basis of a national competition sponsored by the Paleoclimate Program, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, National Science Foundation. Way to go, Mike!