Krzysztof Janowicz Awarded Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship

Krzysztof Janowicz, an Assistant Professor for Geographic Information Science and Geoinformatics in UCSB’s Department of Geography, has been awarded a Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship (RJFF). The award provides him with funding to support his project entitled “N-Degrees of Spatial” over the summer.

Places play a central role as nexuses on the Web of Linked Data. They act as glue between data about actors, physical objects, and events. Therefore, it is not surprising that Linked Data repositories that serve geo-data rank among the most interlinked and central hubs. Krzysztof’s project surveys the quality of these geo-data and their spatial and temporal patterns. He is especially interested in systematic errors and methods to correct and conflate the data. The project will focus on applying visual analytics and geo-statistics to understand these quality issues.

“The purpose of the RJFF program is to help junior faculty members develop a substantial record in research and creative work necessary for advancement to tenure. Non-tenured faculty members are eligible for only one RJFF award. Applications may be submitted by faculty members who are currently under review for tenure or security of employment” (source).

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Jano, as he is affectionately known, joined the department in summer 2011. His areas of research include Geographic Information Science, Semantic Web & Linked Data, Sensor Web, Mobile Computing, Geographic Information Retrieval, Gazetteers, and Similarity-based Reasoning.

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A representative fraction (including errors) of Linked Spatiotemporal Data (EPSG:4326, Plate Carrée)

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