Keith Clarke’s Electronic Textbook, “Maps and Web Mapping,” Now Available

The following is taken from Amazon’s online book section:

Maps and Web Mapping establishes an innovative, eText-only introduction to the history, principles, and current technologies used in mapping and cartography in a way that’s never been done before. Created to work with resources in, this solution engages you with interactive tools, including MapMaster™ interactive maps, Google Earth™ exercises, lecture videos, Map Projection animations, and more. This affordable online-only solution seamlessly integrates narrative text with a dynamic, interactive media experience, creating a rich learning environment and working together to help you develop spatial reasoning skills and practice observation, experimentation, and critical thinking.

This program presents a better teaching and learning experience—for you. It provides:

  • Personalized learning with The online-only eText and work together to provide interactive, cutting-edge cartography and learning tools that engages you in the study of mapping and cartography.
  • Current cartography tools and technologies: The author’s expert knowledge of the most current, contemporary technologies and applications of mapping and cartography is integrated throughout the book, covering both commercial and open sources as well as desktop and mobile access. Many images and locations in the book include coordinates that you can click to directly link to online maps.
  • Time-saving navigation and study tools: Study and move through the course material, using the eText’s learning path with chapter-opening Learning Outcomes, Checkpoint questions, summaries, and end of chapter questions.
Image 1 for article titled "Keith Clarke’s Electronic Textbook, “Maps and Web Mapping,” Now Available"
Amazon lists the price as “from $91.89: 2 used from $91.93; 7 new from $91.89.” Hmm – why are the used ones 4 cents more than the new ones? Only Amazon knows…

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