Keith Clarke Text Now Available in Korean

The fifth edition of Professor Keith Clarke’s popular text, Getting Stated with Geographic Information Systems, is now available in a Korean language edition published by Sigma Press, Inc. The English version, published by Pearson Education, Inc., is described as follows: “Designed to make the complexity of this essential high-tech field accessible to beginning students, this text provides a basic, non-technical, and student-friendly introduction to geographic information systems. In one convenient source, its comprehensive, integrated coverage examines the basic GIS material that is traditionally scattered throughout the Geography curriculum—e.g., in Cartography, GIS spatial analysis, and quantitative methods. Clarke’s ‘learn-by-seeing’ approach features clear, simple explanations and an abundance of illustrations and photos.” However, while the same description is used for the Korean version, the remarks about availability differ markedly: “인터넷서점에서 없는 도서는 시그마프레스로 주문 (배송료 무료)” (source).

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