Kate Deutsch Wins AAG Student Paper Competition

Grad student Kate Deutsch has just been selected as the winner of the AAG Transportation Geography Specialty Group student paper competition at the Master’s level. Annual awards are made on both the PhD and MA level; the $250 cash prize will be presented to each of the student winners at the AAG Annual Meeting in Las Vegas this March. Kate’s thesis “What’s So Special About This Place? An Examination of Sense of Place and Its Correlation to Travel Behavior” was supervised by Prof. Kostas Goulias, who heads our GeoTrans lab.

Kostas noted that there were a great many entries for the two student paper awards, and that the TGSG board members agreed that they were all of high quality, making the decision difficult in both categories. He also commented that Kate’s thesis was on an important topic that “will change the way we model human-environment relations in transportation. This is particularly important in California where we advocate the use of land use policies to change travel behavior and benefit the natural environment.” Kudos to Kate—and we expect more to follow with her PhD dissertation research!

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