Alumnus Greg Mohr (BA 1976) recently contacted Geography with the following announcement “that might be of interest to Geography faculty, staff and students, especially grad students. Full disclosure: I’m the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) Treasurer; have been since the organization’s founding in April 2008 and was recently re-elected, but don’t get paid anything for it. I just enjoy tearing down walls and silos, and building bridges”:
The inaugural issue of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (JESS), is now available through your AESS membership, and is accessible through the AESS website. AESS members will have access to this and all subsequent issues by logging onto the AESS website or by going directly to the journal’s website.
Springer publications has made this first introductory issue available to all visitors at the Journal website in the hope of inviting others concerned with interdisciplinary environmental studies, who may not yet be AESS members, to review this issue. This first issue, dedicated to Stephen Schneider, an early member of the Board of Editors, includes contributions from David Orr, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics, Oberlin College; Paul Ehrlich, President, Center for Conservation Biology and Bing Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University; Terry Chapin, Distinguished Professor of Biology, University of Alaska, National Research Council Committee on Ecological Impacts of Climate Change; and Ronald Mitchell, Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon.
Among a diversity of other matters, the journal features articles about the national growth of academic environmental studies and science programs, and about civic education on climate warming. Several book reviews are also available as a continuing feature of the journal. Since the inaugural issue is open to the public, you can click any of the hyperlinked article titles to view the full article.