Geography Department Outreach – You Can Help!

Half of your editor’s job description is termed “Editor/Writer – Department Outreach,” and the rest includes such “minor details” as graphic artist, receptionist, development officer, librarian, and general gopher. I mention this because I’d like to explain my approach to “Department Outreach” and, hopefully, get some feedback about the Geography Department’s web site which comprises our primary exposure to the public at large.

The UCSB Geography web site has been updated several times over the years, and, compared to others across the nation, it has always been on par with the best of them, at least in terms of technical innovation, overall design, and graphic appeal. But it hasn’t always been overtly “special” in terms of, say, showing up on the first page of a Google search – which is why our Executive Officer, Mo Lovegreen, with the backing of faculty, mandated a new site in 2008 which urged “a fresh and original look,” as well as content that would be at once more professional, “brand” the Department, and appeal to a wider audience.

Resulting innovations of our web new site included efforts to make it comply with ADA guidelines; a home page slide show of photos representing major aspects of the discipline; thumbnail pictures and job titles of all Geography personnel; a page about “Awards and Rankings,” rightly intended to impress potential new undergrads, grads, faculty, and possible donors; advice to undergraduates regarding internships and mentoring; listings of faculty publications; and pages devoted to our commitment to diversity and to sustainability. “Earth Gate” was another major feature, designed to provide a gateway to UCSB earth science research, as well as a weekly environmental news map with short descriptions of major events occurring around the world—we were then the only university website to provide this unique service.

And our web site continues to evolve and to accommodate the increase of new technology and media interests. Guylene Gadal, our latest web master, created a top-notch section devoted to undergraduates; several new pages have been added (e.g., the Colloquia Archive, Majoring in Geography, and Alumni ); and, perhaps most impressive of all, the Interactive Campus Map is an ongoing project created by Geography personnel and is a major innovation that has deservedly won national acclaim.

We all know about annoying and repetitive ads on TV, mysterious but massive backings of political advertising during elections, and media bias when it comes to reporting events. While such aspects of capitalism may be deplorable on one level, the bottom line is that advertising, whatever it costs and whatever form it takes, definitely sways public opinion. Branding is more than getting a name out front; it’s about making that name synonymous with something desirable.

When the current editor took over the job of producing the Geography Department’s Newsletter and updating the web site content in February 2005, there had been an average of 37 News & Events postings per year over the past 3 years, and, rightfully, most of them had to do with honors and awards that the Department had garnered. The average number of such postings since 2005 has been over 120 per year. So what?

Back to branding and advertising. Not every viewer of our web site is overly interested in the latest UCSB Geography kudos (and reportage of such things can be found elsewhere, e.g., the UCSB Office of Public Affairs), and a “Friend of Geography” who may not take the time to read an announcement about academic kudos might take the time to read a geographic “human interest” article or a contribution by a fellow alumni. No, quantity doesn’t trump quality; however, the very fact that more articles are “out there” translates into higher readership – which is a way of justifying the eclectic nature of our postings and of encouraging any and all of you to consider submitting an article of your own. Look forward to hearing from you in the New Year (hint, hint)!

Article by Bill Norrington

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The Earth Gate page was designed by Eric Ederer (ex-Geography Receptionist, who went on to get a PhD in Music) and was recently overhauled by Jon Hall, a web programmer and designer for the Department. Originally, we were the only university web site to provide this unique service—step through our Earth Gate at

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The UCSB Geography web site has undergone many changes. For one, the original “slide show” on our home page consisted of black and white images only for a couple of years—very “with it” in web design circles at one time, but we’ve decided to use color as well from now on. Consider this photo of the Aurora Borealis; a black and white version undermines the adage about form following function

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A Google screen shot on 23 December, 2012 – UCSB Geography News & Events is number six on the first page of a search using key words “geography news,” preceded only by National Geographic, Science Daily, the Geography page of the New York Times,, and the Royal Geographical Society’s site

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If nothing else, our Department has a sense of humor! Pictured above (left to right) are our current Chair (Dar Roberts), our ex-Chair (Oliver Chadwick), and Professor Dan Montello hamming it up at a Geography Department barbecue in 2007. Check out our page for more candid shots

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