Art Eisberg, who graduates in June with a BA in Geography with an emphasis in GIS, has won a prestigious internship with NASA’s DEVELOP Summer 2008 Internship Program at the AMES Research Center. “DEVELOP is a NASA Science Mission Directorate Applied Sciences Program that fosters human capital development to extend science research to local communities. Student teams research NASA science capabilities relevant to community concerns and create advanced computer generated visualizations demonstrating research results. The prototype visualizations use science measurements and predictions to address local policy issues and are shared with community leaders. Activity is student led and utilizes relationships with mentors from NASA and partner organizations. DEVELOP is a national internship program, with projects conducted during the fall, spring and summer terms. DEVELOP students initiate projects in response to concerns and challenges communities introduce at leadership forums such as governors’ conferences and association meetings. Projects are designed to achieve the widest coverage of NASA’s Applications of National Priority through the use of NASA science missions and models. Each project requires partnerships with the community to achieve the greatest return on investment”
Art is interested in Physical Geography, literally and figuratively: “Through my 4 years, I have been a member of the UCSB Alpine Race (Ski and Snowboard) Team. I was the vice president my junior year, and president my senior year. I have also worked as an EMT on campus for the past few years with UCSB Rescue, a division of the public safety department. Interests/hobbies include skiing and snowboarding, photography, and travel. I spent a semester abroad in Berlin, Germany, and managed to get to some other cool places around Europe as well.” To quote his summary of why he was applying for the NASA internship, Art stated: “It seemed like a great way to apply the skills I’ve learned at UCSB in an important field of research.” Kudos to Art and to our department for enabling such aspirations.