Gazulis Receives USGIF Scholarship

Grad student Nicholas Gazulis is a recipient of one of just three United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) graduate student scholarships awarded this year. USGIF awarded a total of nine $5,000 scholarships to recognize promising achievers in fields related to geospatial intelligence—three scholarships each to graduate students, undergraduate students, and graduating high school students who pursue college or university academic programs related to geospatial intelligence. USGIF is a Virginia-based non-stock, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to promoting geospatial intelligence tradecraft and developing links between government, industry, and academic and professional organizations and individuals who share an interest in the development and application of geospatial intelligence data and geo-processing resources to address national security objectives. The award will be announced at the 2005 USGIF symposium in San Antonio, Texas at the end of the month.

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