Gautier Publication Awarded a 2008 ASLI’s Choice – Honorable Mention

The Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) presents the ASLI’s CHOICE AWARD for the best book published each year in the fields of meteorology, climatology, and atmospheric sciences. The books are judged on nine criteria, including uniqueness, comprehensiveness, usefulness, quality, and authoritativeness. Professor Catherine Gautier’s book “Facing Climate Change together,” co-edited with her colleague Jean-Louis Fellous and published by Cambridge University Press, has been awarded the “2008 ASLI Choice – Honorable Mention” “for its unique collaboration on a broad review of climate change.” Only three books receive the coveted ASLI’s Choice award each year, and only three books are given an Honorable Mention. Al Gore’s book, “An Inconvenient Truth,” won an ASLI’s Choice Honorable Mention in 2006, so Professor Gautier is in exalted company!

To quote its web site (, “The Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) is a professional organization devoted to communication and dissemination of information among libraries and educational institutions involved in atmospheric science research and scholarship. In many ways it is a virtual organization, relying on the listserv and website to connect its international members from various parts of the world. Annual meetings in conjunction with the American Meteorological Society provide a venue to meet in person, present papers, discuss and promote issues, and present the ASLI’s Choice book awards.” Catherine was awarded her prize at the 12th Annual ASLI Conference, held in conjunction with the Annual AMS Meeting, January 14-16, in Phoenix, Arizona. For more about Dr. Gautier’s book, see the July 23, 2008 article.

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Professor Catherine Gautier

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