Erin with her award winning poster from the Board of Urban Environment at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Erin Wetherley received the Outstanding Poster Presentation award of the Board of Urban Environment (BUE) at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting which was held in Seattle, WA January 22-26. At the 13th Symposium of the Urban Environment, the BUE committee attends the student presentations and the members cast their votes for the best oral or poster papers based on scientific merit, contribution to the field of urban environment, as well as presentation skills. Only the top three presentations are awarded cash prizes and a certificate. Erin’s presentation was titled, “Urban composition and surface temperature at multiple resolutions using airborne spectroscopic and thermal imaging”. The poster reported her results on sub-pixel unmixing of urban surfaces and determining relationships between mixtures of material fractions and land surface temperature. Her co-advisor Joe McFadden said, “Erin’s research is highly interdisciplinary and it’s terrific to see her work recognized in the atmospheric science community as well as in remote sensing. She is well on her way to making important contributions to our understanding of how land use and urban climate interact in cities and other developed land areas.” Dar Roberts, her other co-advisor writes “Several elements of Erin’s work really stand out including a highly innovative approach towards calculating sub-pixel fractions of tree and turf grass, creative use of synthetic images for sensitivity analysis and the development of methods that are robust across multiple scales. Erin’s research on the factors modifying urban environments will be critical in helping us understand how these environments will change with climate change, and in developing the means to design better cities. Nice job Erin!” Check out her poster on the first floor of Ellison Hall!