- “Switzerland Grants Sweeping New Rights to Animals”
- “A Nearly Sunspot-Free August”
- “Hurricane Season Peaks: NASA Photo of the Week”
- “Hundreds of Penguins Killed by Spill Off Brazil”
- “Mini Tsunamis Strike Southern African Coast”
- “Cloudiest British August Since 1929”
- “Gustav Leaves Trail of Death and Destruction”
- “Hurricane Hanna Threatens North Carolina Coast”
- “Hurricane Ike May Strike Southeastern U.S.”
- “Fresh China Earthquake Kills 38”
- “Quake Damages Homes in Southeastern Turkey”
The above listing is a sample of the weekly environmental news headlines of major events occurring around the world, courtesy of “Earthweek – A Diary of the Planet.” Earthweek features an environmental news map that provides short descriptions of major earth science events occurring on planet Earth during the previous week. Click on “Earth Gate” on our home page to access the weekly environmental news – and also check out “Gateways” which is designed to enable UCSB researchers in any given field in any particular department to see what other departments are doing in the same area of interest.