Dickey’s Delightful Doggies Define Departmental Dedication to Outreach

Professor Tommy Dickey‘s Great Pyrenees therapy dog, “Pyrfessor Theodore Nansen,” better known as “Teddy,” has been working his dog magic before the holidays. Last Wednesday, he was greeted by a few thousand students on campus as part of The UCSB Health and Wellness program’s quarterly Dog Therapy Day. The large banners displayed for the event depict “Hot Rod Linkin,” Professor Dickey’s other Great Pyrenees therapy dog.

Teddy then helped present a slide show concerning the polar bears of Churchill, Manitoba as part of Geography Awareness Week to Mrs. April Torres’ El Montecito School’s lively and enthusiastic 6th grade class in Santa Barbara. Mrs. Torres sent the following message: “Thank you for sharing your exciting slide show and for bringing Teddy! What a hit!!”

Teddy and Linkin have each completed over 1000 therapy dog visits and keep receiving many awards from the American Kennel Club and the Great Pyrenees Club of America. For more about Dickey and his delightful doggies, see “Dickey Goes to the Dogs (and Is Named Outstanding Sportsman of the Year along the Way)” and “Pet a Pooch and Shed Some Stress during Dog Therapy Day at UCSB.”

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Image 3 for article titled "Dickey’s Delightful Doggies Define Departmental Dedication to Outreach"

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