Department Softball Game

On Saturday, June 7, at Elings Park, the Department held what is becoming an annual event: a softball game. There were two teams of 13 people, one team being mostly undergraduates and the other team being mostly grad students. The game was warm and friendly, yet lively and competitive. For instance, there were repeated “Strike Twos” for the less robust hitters.

At seven innings, the official number of innings for softball, the undergrads were down by nine. Everyone was having so much fun, the players decided to extend the game to nine innings, the number hardball games play. The undergrads made a great comeback, causing the grads to begin to wonder about their decision. To the grads’ relief – – and to the undergrads improved pride – – the grads won by one point, 24 to 23. For photos of the game, including a photo of the MVP (Most Valuable Player), please go to this linked page.

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