Chris Funk re Somalia: “We Thought Trouble Was Coming”

Dr. Chris Funk, a researcher in the Climate Hazard Group of UCSB’s Department of Geography who is affiliated with the U.S. Geological Survey, explains how his group last year forecast the drought in Somalia that is now turning into famine — and how that warning wasn’t enough. The following was posted on the Nature website on August 3 and was summarized by the New York Times the same day:

Not since a million people died in Ethiopia and Sudan in 1984 and 1985 has the world seen such a potential for famine as it does now, with food emergencies occurring in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. But although the ongoing disaster in East Africa is dire, it was not unexpected. In fact, I am part of a group of scientists that successfully forecast the droughts behind the present crisis. I work with the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), which was set up by the US Agency for International Development to help policy-makers prevent such humanitarian disasters. The network identifies where food aid is needed by the most food-insecure populations of the developing world, whose livelihoods are tied to rain-fed subsistence agriculture and pastoralism.

Last summer, our group was meeting when a La Niña weather system was forecast. We knew that such an event could bring trouble, and we issued an alert that East Africa might experience severe droughts. We based this conclusion on information from three sources. First, we knew that La Niña events are commonly associated with weakened rains in the Horn of Africa from October to December. Second, from work on the ground, we knew that persistent poor rains at the end of the past decade, combined with high food prices, had weakened the population’s resilience to food emergencies. And third, research has linked warming in the Indian Ocean as a result of climate change to drying of March-to-June rains in East Africa. This warming has intensified the negative impact of La Niña events; it was the chance that both the autumn and spring rainy seasons could be affected, back to back, that really concerned us.

Sure enough, the autumn 2010 rains were poor, or failed completely. The outlook for famine or survival then rested on the spring rains. April came without rain. May came without rain. And we feared the worst. The situation on the ground quickly deteriorated. FEWS NET runs a food-price tracking system that showed that the price of maize (corn) in Kitui, Kenya, had soared by 246% in 12 months. And the value of a goat in Bardera, Somalia, usually sold to buy grain, had halved. Satellite measurements of vegetation health tracked the emerging drought in disturbing detail. FEWS NET put out a second alert on 7 June that warned: “This is the most severe food security emergency in the world today, and the current humanitarian response is inadequate.” Two months on, the grim statistics show that the massive crisis is outstripping the international resources available to address it. Famine conditions are expected to spread farther across Somalia, and large areas of Kenya and Ethiopia could see food availability fall to crisis levels. In all, some 11.5 million people across East Africa need emergency assistance.

So what went wrong? Why weren’t the warnings — before and during the drought — enough to avert a food crisis that might turn into famine? Much of the problem is tied to political issues, especially in Somalia, but there are also strong climate and agricultural components.

The global climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were never intended to provide rainfall trend projections for every region. These models say that East Africa will become wetter, yet observations show substantial declines in spring rainfall in recent years. Despite this, several agencies are building long-term plans on the basis of the forecast of wetter conditions. This could lead to agricultural development and expansion in areas that will become drier. More climate science based on regional observations could be helpful in addressing these challenges.

On the agricultural side, crop yields are very low, and not increasing much. The amount of farmland per person is decreasing rapidly, as population growth places more pressure on a limited landscape. Agricultural progress is not keeping pace with population growth. Declines in agricultural capacity are exacerbated by warming of the Indian Ocean, which is reducing the onshore flow of moisture during the spring rainy season, creating more frequent droughts. These trends are having an impact in southern Ethiopia, central and eastern Kenya and southern Somalia — those regions that have been hardest hit this year. Warmer and drier weather is shrinking the amount of land that is suitable for farming, leaving burgeoning food-insecure populations exposed to more frequent and severe climate shocks.

Emergencies such as the one in East Africa will become more common unless there is a focus on improving agricultural production. Ironically, the fact that crop yields are low creates a tremendous opportunity for improvement. A 50%, or even 100%, increase in yields is feasible, and would greatly improve the availability of food. Better integrated markets and increased grain and water storage can help to keep resources on hand for lean times. In the long term, a more resilient system is needed, rather than an increase in the number of emergency grain shipments. Then, when disaster strikes, surplus food can be moved around the region — from Tanzania to Somalia, say. Better regional climate-change and forecast models, combined with more effective agriculture in drought-threatened areas will not solve all problems, but they should reduce the need for emergency responses, and make such measures more effective when they are necessary.

Editors note: This is one of several articles relating to Dr. Funk’s research on this subject. Others include Research by Funk and Williams Links Indian Ocean Warming with East African Drought, Current Climate Trend Analysis of Kenya by Chris Funk, Chris Funk Uses Satellite Imagery to Forecast African Drought, and Why Space Matters, Time and Time Again.

Image 1 for article titled "Chris Funk re Somalia: “We Thought Trouble Was Coming”"
Chris is a research geographer with the United States Geological Survey, specializing in climatology. He and his team use information from satellite imagery and monitoring stations throughout Africa and Central America to predict droughts, crop failure, and where people will be in need of food aid. Chris also holds an appointment as a research geographer at UCSB’s Department of Geography

Image 2 for article titled "Chris Funk re Somalia: “We Thought Trouble Was Coming”"
The number of people fleeing famine-hit areas of Somalia is likely to rise dramatically and could overwhelm international aid efforts in the Horn of Africa. The United Nations estimates that tens of thousands of people have died from malnutrition in Somalia in recent months, and over 11 million people across East Africa need food aid because of a long-running drought. The drought and famine in the horn of Africa has killed more than 29,000 children under the age of 5 in the last 90 days in southern Somalia alone, according to U.S. estimates. The U.N. says 640,000 Somali children are acutely malnourished, suggesting the death toll of small children will rise. (Associated Press; photo source: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

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Estimated food security outcomes in the eastern Horn, April to June 2011 (source: FEWS NET/FAO/FSNAU/WFP/ALRMP)

Image 4 for article titled "Chris Funk re Somalia: “We Thought Trouble Was Coming”"
Estimated food security outcomes, July to September 2011 (Ibid.)

Image 5 for article titled "Chris Funk re Somalia: “We Thought Trouble Was Coming”"
Somalia, officially the Somali Republic and formerly known as the Somali Democratic Republic under communist rule, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. Since the outbreak of the Somali Civil War in 1991 there has been no central government control over most of the country’s territory. The internationally recognized Transitional Federal Government controls only a small part of the country. Somalia has been characterized as a failed state and is one of the poorest and most violent states in the world. Somalia lies in the eastern-most part of Africa. It is bordered by Djibouti to the northwest, Kenya to the southwest, the Gulf of Aden with Yemen to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, and Ethiopia to the west. It has the longest coastline on the continent, and its terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains and highlands. Hot conditions prevail year-round, along with periodic monsoon winds and irregular rainfall (Wikipedia: Somalia)

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