Chinese Major, Linguistics Minor, and Paperwork Monkey

A warm welcome to Libby White, our Geography Student Assistant who helps our staff Financial Analyst, Nancy Ponce. According to Libby, “As far as my job description, I assume ‘paperwork monkey’ is an inadequate moniker. I mainly sort and file paperwork or whatever else Nancy needs me to do.” An inadequate moniker, indeed—Libby’s job description is a lot more detailed and demanding: “Assist with placing orders/expediting/processing payments, prepare travel advances and vouchers, file documents, set up binders and files for new contracts/grants/gifts, research financial issues with accounting and various vendors, process recharges, general office assistance and other misc. duties as needed. Good communication skills and ability to accurately work with numbers.”

Libby’s communication skills are particularly impressive: “The attached picture is of me at
Peking University in Beijing, China. I visited the campus when I went to Beijing this summer for the Intensive Language Education Abroad Program at Beijing Normal University . I’m a Chinese major, Linguistics minor. Someday I hope to have a job in international relations. I’m looking forward to going back to China, particularly Inner Mongolia and rural areas. I encourage anyone who speaks Mandarin to come and talk to me and entertain themselves with my abysmal grammar.” It’s an honor and a pleasure to have such a talented and dedicated “paperwork monkey” helping us out. So stop by and welcome Libby to the Department—in any language.

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