Check UCSB Geography Out on Facebook!

On January 24, 2014, the UCSB Department of Geography got “with it” in terms of online networking and joined Facebook (check it out here). Computer Network Technologist Bryan Karaffa and undergraduate Geography major Scott Yehl set things up, and, to date, our page is getting some serious attention. Okay, we haven’t exactly gone viral, but 355 likes to date is a start (and beats not having any).

Speaking of starts, the venture into social media was long overdue and was finally precipitated by our 40th Anniversary activities and a need for a signup system. We began by posting a notice about a Gaucho GeoHunt, and that first posting reached 3,559 people, our largest number reached to date. At any rate, check out the UCSB Geography Department on Facebook and don’t be shy about giving the editor some feedback about our page and handing out lots of “likes”!

Image 1 for article titled "Check UCSB Geography Out on Facebook!"
Screenshot of our Facebook page on August 27, 2014

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