Grad student Brent Hecht (along with Nicole Starosielski of Film Studies and Drew Dara-Abrams of Geography) won the 2008 AAG International Geographic Information Fund (IGIF) Student Paper Award this year. The paper, titled “Generating Educational Tourism Narratives from Wikipedia,” (B. Hecht, N. Starosielski, & D. Dara-Abrams, Proc. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Fall Symposium on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (AAAI-INT 07), 2007, pp. 37-44) can be downloaded here.
Brent also won an AAG IGIF travel grant for $750 and just got back from Spain where he presented what he considers an even better paper: B. Hecht and M. Raubal, “GeoSR: Geographically explore semantic relations in world knowledge,” The European Information Society: Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, L. Bernard, et al., eds., Springer, 2008, pp. 95-114; download link: