Anthropogenic Warming of Indian Ocean Linked to African Food Insecurity

A recent article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, coauthored by Chris Funk (lead author) and Joel Michaelsen of the UCSB Geography Department’s Climate Hazards Group, links warming of the Indian Ocean with an alarming drop in African rainfall and consequent food insecurity. The article (Funk, C., Dettinger, M., Michaelsen, J., Verdin, J., Brown, M., et al. (2008). Warming of the Indian Ocean threatens eastern and southern African food security but could be mitigated by agricultural development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(32), 11081-11086) has received major press coverage; the following is the UCSB press release of August 6 by Andrea Estrada titled “Study Links Warming of Indian Ocean to Decreased Rainfall in Africa,” and a PDF of the complete article is available here.

A study led by a team of geographers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, suggests that warming of the Indian Ocean –– a direct result of climate change –– is to blame for a steep decline in rainfall over the eastern seaboard of Africa, which has serious implications for the region’s food security. The interdisciplinary study revealed that, over the past 20 years, rainfall in that part of Africa has declined by as much as 15 percent per year. The study also indicates that if the decline continues at its current rate, the population of undernourished individuals in the region could increase by more than 50 percent by 2030. The researcher’s findings are published in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Our work suggests that greenhouse gas emissions, which have come mostly from the wealthy, developed countries, already constitute an example of dangerous climate change,” said Chris Funk, an associate researcher with the UCSB geography department’s Climate Hazards Group and the article’s lead author. The Climate Hazards Group specializes in applying climatology to problems of food security. The group works closely with governmental institutions to improve the scientific research, capacity building, and application components of initiatives such as the Famine Early Warning System Network, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development.

In addition to Funk, the research team included Joel Michaelsen, a professor of geography at UCSB, and representatives from the United States Geological Survey (including alumnus James Verdin); Scripps Institution of Oceanography; NASA; and the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. The four-year project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development’s Famine Early Warning System Network, the USGS, NASA’s Precipitation Monitoring Mission, and the National Science Foundation.

According to records from ground stations and satellites, rainfall during eastern and southern Africa’s main rainy seasons –– March through May and December through February, respectively –– have shown steady declines since the 1980s. Analyzing historical data of seasonal rainfall over the Indian Ocean and Africa’s eastern seaboard from 1950 to 2005, the team found decreasing rainfall in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe that was linked to increases in rainfall over the ocean. Statistical analyses indicate that the increased rainfall over the Indian Ocean, caused by rising sea surface temperatures, produces anomalies in moisture transports between the ocean and land. This reduces main growing season rainfall in parts of Africa. Presumably, the energy released by this maritime convection reduced onshore flows of moisture and brought dry descending air down over the African continent.

Matthew Barlow, a professor of environmental, earth, and atmospheric science at the University of Massachusetts, validated this hypothesis using an atmospheric model from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The combination of empirical and model-based evidence strongly suggests that increases in rainfall over the ocean tend to create atmospheric conditions that inhibit moisture from being transported onshore.

Next, guided by Michael Dettinger, a USGS scientist working in the Climate Research Division of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, the team examined 11 climate models produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to simulate future rainfall changes. Of the 11 models, 10 indicated that, through 2050, precipitation over the Indian Ocean would continue to increase and thereby deprive the eastern seaboard of Africa much needed rainfall. “The models agree that anthropogenic warming has occurred over the past 50 years and will occur over the next 50 years,” said Funk. “We show that this warming has caused and likely will cause main-growing-season drought in the world’s most food insecure countries.”

However, according to Funk, the team’s food-balance modeling, which uses historical data related to population, rainfall, seed, fertilizer, and cultivated area, showed that “modest” increases in agricultural capacity could result in a 40 percent reduction of undernourished people “Many of the farming techniques used now are inadequate, and there has been very little support for agricultural development,” Funk said. “There’s very little use of fertilizer or farm machinery. That means there’s a strong potential to increase farm production. Modest improvements in per capita agricultural capacity could substantially alleviate undernourishment, making Africa agriculturally self-supporting in 30 years. Even with declining rainfall, Africa can be self-sufficient.”

Image 1 for article titled "Anthropogenic Warming of Indian Ocean Linked to African Food Insecurity"
Lead author Chris Funk

Image 2 for article titled "Anthropogenic Warming of Indian Ocean Linked to African Food Insecurity"
Professor Joel Michaelsen

Image 3 for article titled "Anthropogenic Warming of Indian Ocean Linked to African Food Insecurity"
Fig. 1. Food-security analysis. (A) Rainfall, population, cropped area, seed use, and fertilizer use for eastern and southern Africa. Rainfall is expressed as a percentage of the 1951–1980 average. The other variables are expressed as percentages of 1979–1981 averages. Global radiative forcing is shown with a stippled line on an inverted axis. (B) The black vectors denote recent observed rainfall and agricultural capacity tendencies. Agricultural data were obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization. (C) Empirical food-balance model results expressed as percentages of the millions undernourished in 2000.

Image 4 for article titled "Anthropogenic Warming of Indian Ocean Linked to African Food Insecurity"
Fig. 2. A warming Indian Ocean disrupts moisture transports and African rainfall. (A) Time-series of Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) global temperatures and Kaplan Indian Ocean SSTs. (B) Pixel-by-pixel bivariate regression coefficients linking seasonal standardized precipitation and seasonal standardized Global Precipitation Climatology Project (28) precipitation over the southwest Indian Ocean. The red arrows show the general location of lower tropospheric (850 hPa) westward wind maxima. (C) First canonical correlates for each season. Results have been screened for significance (P < 0.1). The blue shading denotes the core of the westward transports, with mean 850-hPa wind speeds of > 4 m/s. (D) CAM diabatic forcing experiment results. Arrows indicate simulated moisture-transport anomalies (m/s). Blue-red shading indicates diabatic heating anomalies (K/day).

Image 5 for article titled "Anthropogenic Warming of Indian Ocean Linked to African Food Insecurity"
Fig. 3. CMIP3 MAM precipitation simulation results. (A) A time (1950–2100) versus longitude plot of CMIP3 ensemble means averaged between 15°N/S. At each 5° longitude box, the 150 years of precipitation values were translated into z scores (SDs, σ). Red shades indicate drier conditions. Blue shades indicate above-normal precipitation. (B) A time versus probability plot showing the multimodel ensemble probability density functions (PDFs) (29) for the south-central Indian Ocean (0 –15°S, 60–90°E). (C) Summary of changes in frequency of above-“normal” precipitation and correlation of precipitation changes in individual climate models with the multimodel ensemble means for this same region.

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