Fall 2006 brings a formalized version of transportation specialty at UCSB. Using as backbone curriculum courses in analytical techniques within our department, this new specialty, with a focus on Transportation Modeling and Simulation (TMS), fills a critical gap in education and research training at UCSB. Coordinated by Professor Kostas Goulias, the TMS specialty went through a series of approval steps within the department of Geography. First, it was discussed at faculty meetings during Spring 2005. Then, it was examined and revised by the curriculum committee and an ad-hoc committee of interested faculty members. During Fall 2005, the emphasis was approved unanimously at a department faculty meeting. Its current version uses our unique strengths in faculty and students and will evolve into a nationally recognized home for training transportation professionals. Although it is a work in progress, our specialty has already claimed two Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships from the US Department of Transportation this year, as well as a variety of research projects from the University of California Transportation Center and the California Department of Transportation, and an international conference overseas. For a detailed description of the new specialty, click here.
Article contributed by Professor Goulias