Geography Grads Land Double DOT Fellowships

Graduate students Shaunna Burbidge (left) and Kirk Goldsberry (bottom right) recently were each awarded Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships from the US Department of Transportation. Initiated in 1992, the DDETF program awards fellowships to students pursuing degrees in disciplines related to transportation, and, to date, approximately 2000 fellowships have been granted. “The objectives of the overall Program are to attract the nation’s brightest minds to the field of transportation, to enhance the careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees, and to retain top talent in the transportation industry of the United States” ).

Shaunna and Kirk were encouraged to apply for the fellowships by Professor Kostas Goulias who notes that “The 2006 Dwight David Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship is an extremely competitive fellowship and a great honor for all of us. The fellowshipincludes a stipend, tuition, and a small amount of funds for travel to Washington D.C. for the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. These fellowships may be renewed annually for up to three years, offering similar amounts of funds depending on availability and continuity of federal funding. The two awards of this year show that we have a tremendous potential in transportation science and that we can easily compete with the best universities in the nation.”

Goldsberry comments that “the award represents a great opportunity for my research. I’m also enthused about the potential for my research to demonstrate the contributions that Geography and Cartography offer to the field of transportation. I think I speak for Miss Burbidge when I say, ‘We like Ike!’” Campaign slogans aside, congratulations to two of the “brightest minds” among our graduate students in the field of transportation!

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