Holiday Celebration Chez Keith & Margo Clarke

The Chair of the Geography Department, Keith Clarke, and his wife Margo hosted a potluck buffet as an end of year holiday celebration for the entire department at their “merry” home on Friday, December 2. According to an “anonymous source,” everyone was in the holiday spirit, dressed to the nines (for the most part), and enjoyed a wonderful spread of food including a delicious honey baked ham, stuffed grape leaves, devilled eggs, and much, much more. Additionally, there was a wonderful selection of wines (no 2 buck chucks in sight), and a great array of desserts. Students and faculty really stepped up to the plate with their contributions. Diners congregated in the Clarke family living room and kitchen, and many chose to socialize outside near the warmth of the heat lamps (there was more alcohol out there than inside, which may have contributed to the warmth as well…) All in all, the event seemed to be a smashing success! Check out the pictures of the event, courtesy of Richard Weinberg, here. Web graphic by Maral Tashjian.

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