How well does the computing hardware (computers, monitors) in the Star Lab meet your educational needs?
How well does the printer/print system meet your educational needs?
How well does the software currently available in the Star Lab meet your educational needs?
How long do you normally have to wait to find an unoccupied computer in the Star Lab?
[1] two hours or more, [2] one to two hours, [3] 30 min to one hour, [4] 15 min to 30 min, [5] no wait
How well does the AV system work in the Star Lab?
How well does the technical staff support your use of the computing environment?
Are the operating hours in the Star Lab adequate to complete your educational work (in-class assignments, homework) in a timely fashion?
How well do the "non-technical" aspects of the Star Lab (temperature, space, chairs, monitor arms, security etc.) meet your needs?