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In Fall 2012 the regular UCSB student ID cards were given SmartCard
capabilities. This meant that students were able to use their IDs to access
the labs, instead of having to receive a separate card from the UCSB police
The Security Access Forms now has two check boxes at the top of the page.
One says 'New': This is for students who received their student ID prior to
Fall 2012 and who do not already have the old Police department lab access
cards. The other check box says 'Update': This is for students who received
their student IDs from Fall 2012 onwards or who already have the old Police
department lab access cards.
Forms should be distributed to students in their class on the first day of
instruction (either lecture or section). At the second meeting, these forms
will be collected by the instructor or TA and passed to the Department of
Geography Undergraduate Assistant Consuelo Rivera.
Please label the stack of forms so Consuelo can identify which class they are
Consuelo will process the forms and return only the applications for NEW cards
to the faculty/TA mailbox. As soon as possible the faculty/TA's should
distribute the completed forms to the students and instruct them to take it
to the UCEN Access desk to purchase their new student ID. The cost of a new
card is $25.
The applications for UPDATES will be processed by Consuelo and those students
will be granted access within 1-2 business days. They will not have their
forms returned to them and there is no fee associated with the update.
Lab access is granted for 1 year.
If any student is having trouble with their lab access, please contact Consuelo at
or in case Consuelo is unavailable, contact Nicole McCoy at
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